SLA Form 3 3D Printer

New advanced low force stereolithography (LFS) technology, where the force required to peel the model from the resin vat has been drastically decreased, thereby ensuring the successful printing of larger parts.

Constant printing: A parabolic mirror ensures that the laser prints perpendicular to the construction plane, thus guaranteeing uniform print quality across the entire construction platform.

Non-stop printing: The Form 3 constantly monitors print performance to bring your most creative ideas to life. Built-in sensors help maintain ideal printing conditions and send you alerts about the printer’s status.

Closed-loop calibration: Optical sensors continuously correct level and power, and can even detect dust.

Hassle-free media management: Switch between materials in seconds with a simple cartridge system.

User-replaceable components: The Light Processing Unit (LPU), resin vat, rollers and optical window can be replaced internally, reducing the need for replacement printer shipments.

It is compatible with Form Wash and Form Cure.

  • Anthropology, Archaeology and History

  • Biomodels and surgical planning

  • Dental

  • 3D scanning

  • Print your own projects

  • Engineering and rapid prototyping

  • Hand prostheses

  • 3D Portraits

  • 3D printing portfolio

For 3D printing, all consumables will be provided by students, teachers, etc. In addition, users must also have the resin vat necessary for printing.

All the material will be tested by the workshop, you cannot bring your own material and start the process except for specific exceptions which have previously been consulted.

We can’t be your remnant store, so we can’t guarantee that material left over from cutting or that you bring from home to be cut in the long term won’t have been turned into key rings.

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